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Getting Into the Weeds: Dialing in Irrigation Webinar Series

Are you curious about adding irrigation to your farm or want to improve your current irrigation management? This event is for you!

Perennia’s winter webinar series, “Getting Into The Weeds,” is going to provide an in-depth look at On-Farm Irrigation. The team will host guest speakers from across North America to talk about on-farm irrigation practices. Seminars will cover everything from managing your soil for water retention, irrigation system selection, design and management, to disease management in irrigated crops.

This seminar series will be from November 2020 to April 2021.

TITLE: Planning and Design of a Drip Irrigation System
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 2-3:30 PM AST (10-11:30 AM PST)
GUEST SPEAKER: Ted van der Gulik, President, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC
SESSION DESCRIPTION: This information might just trickle into your toolbox. Join Ted in the first session of two to learn the fundamentals of drip irrigation. Start by determining peak flow rate and annual irrigation requirements. Consider the plant and soil factors that influence the system design. Then dip into emitters along with layout and design. No experience is necessary.