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It’s almost time for our berry industry’s annual selection of minor use pesticide priorities for Nova Scotia crops, and we hope you can join us! This session for vegetables will take place virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, November 16th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. For any questions, please contact Sonny Murray at smurray@perennia.ca

Perennia’s minor use representative, Michelle Cortens, and Laura Anderson, NSDA’s provincial minor use coordinator, will briefly outline the process and changes new to this year. Then as a group you will be guided through the crops to assess the priority pest control needs for insects, weeds/growth regulators, and diseases. If you have potential solutions on your radar (registered in other crops or uses) or have heard of products you might be interested in, please bring those along as well. The selected priorities will then be submitted on behalf of the province and used in ranking the national priorities.

Any grower is welcome to attend, so if you know of someone who would like to attend please let Sonny know. If you can’t make the meeting, please send him your critical pest issues and any potential solutions for consideration at the meeting.

Please find below document links for the berry selections made over the last two years.

NSEntomologyWorksheet_2020_BerryCrops and grape
NSPathologyWorksheet_2020_BerryCrops and grape
NSWeedPriorityWorksheet_2020_Berry and grape

Please find the meeting info below and a reminder will be sent closer to the date:

Berries Minor Use Priorities – November 16, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Passcode: 232180